This division is within the
Public Safety Department which h falls under the
Directorate of Municipal and Environmental Services.
To protect and serve the community.
This division consists of the following sub sections, namely;
Motor Vehicle Registration Section.
Motor Vehicle Testing Station.
The Driving License Section.
The inspectorate Section.
Services rendered
Registration of new and used motor vehicles.
Licensing and renewal of motor vehicles.
Issuing of special and temporary permits.
Issuing of roadworthy certificates.
Issuing of Police Identification forms.
Issuing of traffic register number certificates,
Issuing of duplicate certificates.
Issuing of motor trade plates, personalized license number system.
Licensing section is also responsible for
vehicle change of ownership &
vehicle exporting procedures
Change particulars of vehicles, providing members of the pubic with information regarding registering, licensing and renewals.
Change of particulars of vehicles.
De-registration of vehicles.
Notice of theft of vehicles and general information as needed by members of the public.
Issuing of request for police clearance forms.
One of the duties of this Section is the collecting of the Road
Traffic Management Fees that is payable on the payment and renewal of vehicle licences.
The amount payable Road Traffic Management Fees currently is R36.00.
Licensing section is also responsible for
vehicle change of ownership &
vehicle exporting procedures
Key Objectives of the Road Traffic Management Corporation are as follows:
To establish the Corporation as a partnership between National, Provincial and local spheres of government;
To enhance the overall quality of road traffic service provision, in particular to ensure safety, security, order discipline and mobility on the roads;
To protect road infrastructure;
To phase out, where appropriate public funding and phase in private sector investment in road traffic on a competitive basis;
To introduce commercial management principals;
To secure, where appropriate, full cost recovery on the basis of the user pays principle;
To regulate, strengthen and monitor inter-governmental contact and co-operation in road traffic matters;
To improve the exchange and dissemination of information on road traffic matters;
To stimulate research in road traffic matters and effectively utilize the resources of existing institutes and research bodies;
To develop human resources in the public and private sectors that are involved in road traffic;
Contact Person
Acting Assistant Director Licensing
Mrs S Van Antwerpen
Contact number: 018 487 8832
Fax number: 018 469 3923
E-Mail address: