Public Safety-vehicle testing
Vehicle testing
The motor vehicle testing station is within the Licensing division that is situated at the Public safety department
which falls under the Directorate of Municipal and Environmental Services
The services that are rendered in this Section are to test motor vehicles for Road worthiness.
Authorizing the issue of roadworthy certificates,weighing the mass for motor vehicles,discontinuing the operation of motor vehicles in terms of section 44 of the Act.
Giving advice and information regarding the testing of motor vehicles.
Giving advice about building or rebuilding motor vehicles, verifying chassis and engine numbers of motor vehicles.
Giving advice about the dimensions and projections on heavy motor vehicles.
1.The application fee for a bus and goods vehicle is R210.00;
2.The application fee for a motor vehicle and motor cycle is R201.00;
3.Issue of a Roadworthy certificate is R201.00.
Contact Person
Acting Assistant Director Licensing
Mrs S Van Antwerpen
Contact number: 018 487 8832
Fax number: 018 469 3923
E-Mail address: