Public Safety-registration of vehicles Continued

Registration of vehicles documents required continued.

The registration of vehicles is done at the Licensing division that is situated at the Public safety department which falls under the Directorate of Municipal and Environmental Services

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RLV, accompanied by the following:

Current latest registration certificate (in the case of a used vehicle)
De registration certificate(in case of a vehicle de registered)
SOA, together with a fully explained SAPS affidavit (in case of a vehicle de registered)
Manufacturers certificate or certificate of origin (in the case of a new vehicle).
Acceptable identification of both titleholder and owner.

Acceptable ID is an original South African ID, valid South African passport, valid temporary ID, Drivers Licence;
or an original certified copy of an South African ID, valid South African Passport, valid temporary ID; or BRN/TRN with proxy ID; or TRN(Foreigner)
In some instances, SAPS clearance, CNV, weighbridge and MMC may be required


The titleholder must register at their Local Authority, should the person relocated to the new local authority proof of address and notification of change of address (CNP) must be included.

Stolen and recovered vehicle

Current owner must re-register if vehicle has de registered stolen or if notification was given re-licence vehicle. A CCL form and RPC form must be included for the mentioned transaction. Clearance required/Verified
RPC must be returned and duly completed by SAPS and verified
Should there be any change with the engine number a CNV,
weighbridge and MMC must be included

SAPS rejected

This matter must be addressed with the SAPS
Not Appointed owner
The previous owner has given notification that the vehicle has been sold to someone else and the vehicle should therefore first be registered to the appointed owner.
If the vehicle description is & ;Chassis/Chassis the vehicle will be registered into MIB stock as Under construction.
Should anything on the vehicle be changed, example the colour a CNV form must be included.
Note must be taken that only quad bikes has been exempted from licensing and not off-roads.
Dates of sale on NCO and RLV must be completed and correspond.
Licence of vehicle must be up to date and not have a personalized licence number.
The transaction may not be backdated. If longer than a month proof thereof should be submitted
Date of sale cannot be younger than date of registration.
Names of proxy and representatives must be the same as stated on E-Natis.


Contact Person

Acting Assistant Director Licensing Mrs S Van Antwerpen
Contact number: 018 487 8832
Fax number: 018 469 3923
E-Mail address:

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